Saturday, December 17, 2011

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Skittle Dress

For my final in my Fashion Concepts class we had to create a garment without using any material
I decided to use caprisuns skittles && shaved crayons
The worst decision ever when your looking to do something easy && fast =)
But it turned out great && the pain was worth it

my boyfriend was in my class too && this is his chic dress

.i must admit. . think i got a little competetion. .lol.


lately i've been busy with school work && being the best mommy in the world
But i have NOT forgotten about my wonderful followers && i thank you for your dedication to my blog!!
I've been taking plenty of pictures during my break from my blog so i have SOOO MUCH to share!!
&& a special follower will be very suprised for the New Year.
(PS. .im workin on gettin my boyfriend to ler me post his fashion pics on my blog as well. .so my blog can reach out to girls && GUYS !! spread the word)